Tuesday, November 07, 2006

KY 04 Called For Republican Geoff Davis

This was a tough pick-up for Dems. It's a very red district. Commentators are saying that Davis holding on in KY 04 and Republican Vern Buchanan winning in Katherine Harris's old district in Florida 13 shows that while Dems will have a good night, this will not be a huge wave.

I would tend to agree.

Dems are also losing two seats in Georgia. Republicans are winning tonight in red, red places. In light red (KY 03, Indiana) or purple places (NH 02), Dems are winning.

I predicted 18-24 House seat pick ups for Dems.

I think that's exactly what we're looking at right now.

I predicted 4 Senate seat pick-ups for Dems.

I think that's exactly what we're looking at right now.

We'll know more soon.

Keep it coming RBE. You are ahead of what I'm getting here :)
Yup - it's looking like 20 or so House seats and 4 Senate seats.
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