Monday, February 27, 2006

NY Times Sues Pentagon For NSA Spying Documents

Good for the New York Times.

They filed a Freedom Of Information Act to get documents related to the Bush adminstration's NSA domestic spying program from the Pentagon. The Pentagon has been slow to act on the FOIA document request, so the Times is suing them to speed up the process. According to Reuters, the Times requested a list of documents about the spying program:

including all internal memos and e-mails about the program of monitoring phone calls without court approval. It also seeks the names of the people or groups identified by it.

This legal action filed by the Times may just be payback for the Bush administration's Justice Department probe into the leaking of the NSA spying story to the Times.

Nonetheless, I hope the Times gets some of these documents and publishes the information. As long as national security is not harmed by these revelations, it would be nice to know who the Bushies are spying on and why they're spying on them.

I bet most of the people and groups on the list have nothing to do Al Qaeda or terrorism.

I might even wager some money that some of the people and groups on the list might just be enemies of the Bush administration rather than being enemies of the United States.

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