Monday, August 21, 2006

The DCCC Reponds To Bush On Iraq

Preznit Bush told America today that we are not leaving Iraq as long as he's preznit. Bill Burton of the DCCC responds thusly by email:

"What the president has confirmed today is that a vote for a Republican Congress is a vote for more of the same in Iraq. It's that simple. If Americans like President Bush's leadership in Iraq, they can choose to keep a Republican Congress that will let him go on as he has with absolutely no accountability."

That's it - that's your choice. If you like how things are going in Iraq, then vote for Chris Shays, Chris Chocola, Deborah Pryce or your respective Republican member of Congress and vote for a "stay the course" policy that won't EVER change as long as Bush is preznit.

If you want to stay in Iraq through at least 2009 without ANY change in policy regardless of how the situation on the ground deteriorates, then vote for Joe Lieberman, George Allen, Rick Santorum or your own respective Republican/Republican Lite senator whose votes have helped enable this administration and its untenable war.

Sure there are other important issues in this election like the war on terrorism, the economy, health care, education, the environment, and the fiscal health of the government.

But the Iraq war is clearly THE issue and it is increasingly apparent that George Bush and his ruling Grand Old Party can't acknowledge the stark realities or the deteriorating conditions in Iraq and can no longer be trusted to govern without some alternative vision influencing and/or overruling their own bad decision-making tendencies.

Like the ones that said we would be greeted like liberators in Iraq, Israel was the winner in the Israeli/Hezbollah conflict, and a bombing attack on Iran is essential for world-wide peace.

I'm starting to think that the Bush clique (inernational) are the terrorists best friends.
While their words and actions divide and cripple our institutions the fanatasism simply keeps growing.
cartledge, i think there's no doubt that Bush and buddies are the terrorists' best recruitment tool. Shit, what could be better for worldwide jihadi propaganda than the Iraq occupation that doesn't seem to want to end? I am starting to think not only do the terrorists want it that way, but so do Bush and buddies. What better way to stay in power than have a generational conflict that only Bush and buddies can fight correctly?
reality, you wrote:

"i think there's no doubt that Bush and buddies are the terrorists' best recruitment tool."

What slogan appears on the recruiting poster?

A better question is why do muslims hate the US, the West and Israel? Can you answer that?

You wrote:

"Shit, what could be better for worldwide jihadi propaganda than the Iraq occupation that doesn't seem to want to end?"

Then you admit the muslims killed by US forces in Iraq are terrorists coming to Iraq to fight. What are those jihadists fighting for?

You wrote:
"I am starting to think not only do the terrorists want it that way, but so do Bush and buddies."

Why? What possible upside could exists? If you think it's money, you're simply wrong. A corrupt president could position himself to earn billions without having anyone fire a shot.

You wrote:
"What better way to stay in power than have a generational conflict that only Bush and buddies can fight correctly?"

What is the "correct" strategy for settling the issue of muslim terrorism?

Also, are you suggesting Bush is going to seize dictatorial power before the end of his term?
You tell me, n_s, why do Muslims hate the West? Is it like the preznit says, "they hate us for our freedoms"?
reality, you asked:

"You tell me, n_s, why do Muslims hate the West? Is it like the preznit says, "they hate us for our freedoms"?"

Yes. They hate freedom. Ask around. They'll tell you. That's what I was told repeatedly by muslims in Brooklyn after 9/11. They told me the US was attacked because the country permits too much freedom. Freedom is wrong, they said.

They believe the Koran provides all that is necessary to govern life.

They do not believe in our practice of plurality, our democracy or our freedom of speech, our freedom of religion, our freedom of thought or our belief in equality among all people. Women are mostly chattel in islamic countries, having virtually no legal standing in most instances.

But most of all, they hate us because we are not muslim. We are infidels whom they believe should convert or die.

Because of the backwardness resulting from adherence to islamic and koranic principles, muslims are humiliated by the evident prosperity and success of many other nations, most obviously the US and Israel.

Because they are unwilling to look internally and admit muslim society is an abysmal failure, they assign the blame for their internal failure on external forces.

Because they are unimaginative, they blame the Jews whenever convenient. As though the world's 15 million Jews control the fate of 1.2 billion muslims.

They lash out at democracies, killing innocent citizens to assuage their humiliations and feelings of inferiority.

Do you ever wonder why there are no muslim products -- aside from oil -- sold in world markets? No cars, no computers, nothing beyond a few agricultural items like dates and figs and rugs -- woven by women operating pretty much as slaves.

There are virtully no patent filings by muslims.

They're slaves to their history, which has barely advanced over the last thousand years, and refuse to look forward to any vision beyond creating a global caliphate.

They're angry and embittered and refuse to take responsibility for their standing in the world.

The muslim ambition is to convert the world to islam. As we know, force is a common form of conversion employed by the islamic vanguard. And violence is the chief method by which islam acquires power in thw world.

Now it's your turn. Why do you think muslims hate the US, the west and Israel?
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