Saturday, November 18, 2006

Makes Me Proud To Be A New Yorker

According to a just released Survey USA poll, 74% of New Yorkers disapprove of the job Preznit Bush is doing as commander-in-chief.

Close seconds include Delaware, Rhode Island, Massachusettes, and Vermont - 72% of those folks disapprove of the job Preznit Bush is doing.

And the wingiest of wingnut areas of the country? Why Idaho and Utah, of course, where 55% approve of the job the preznit is doing.

In every other state, the preznit's job approval rating is below 50%.

Must suck to know that a huge majority of the country think you're an incompetent, lying moron as preznit.

Oh, well - he can always start drinking again. And at least Barney the Dog likes him.

Or at least Bushie thinks Barney the Dog likes him.

I bet if Survey USA took a poll of Barney the Dog and his friends...

reality, you wrote:

"Must suck to know that a huge majority of the country think you're an incompetent, lying moron as preznit."

Lyndon Johnson knew how it felt. So did Jimmy Carter.
And voters chose to go with the opposing party of both those presidents, which is just what they'll do in 08, thank the Lord.
anonymous, you wrote:

"And voters chose to go with the opposing party of both those presidents, which is just what they'll do in 08, thank the Lord."

Not if the Dem candidate is Hillary.
And so does George W!

anon, from your mouth to god's ears.
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