Wednesday, January 17, 2007


As Talking Points Memo has pointed out over the past few days, the Bush administration has been purging federal prosecutors who have prosecuted friends and cronies of the administration and is replacing them with more friendly prosecutors under a Patriot Act provision that allows them to make "indefinite interim appointments."

The NY Times picked up the story today.

When the administration can skirt the rule of law, fire federal prosecutors, and make indefinite interim appointments as replacements without ever going to the Senate for confirmation, we are well on our way toward a fascist state. Couple that Bush's expanded powers to listen to people's phone calls, read their mail and email, track their finances, hold them indefinitely in Guantanamo Bay without having to file charges or give them legal counsel, paying journalists to print government propaganda as "news," and God knows what else and you can see that Preznut Bush and VP Cheney have laid the groundwork for a pretty efficient Stalinist state.

Ironically, given the way they've run the war, the Katrina rebuilding, and the government, laying the groundwork for a Stalinist state is about the only thing they're efficient at.

POSTSCRIPT: Can you imagine the wingnuttia outrage if Clinton and Janet Reno were firing federal prosecutors who had prosecuted Clinton friends and cronies???

We are well on our way. All they need now is one more big attack on American soil and they can reconsolidate their power.

You will see how quickly everyone forgets.
Given the past performance of this administration, I'm gonna have to disagree with your characterization of anything they've done as "pretty efficient."

And for goodness sakes, let's withhold judgment at least until President Bush determines he needs another term.
pt, the ONLY card they have left now is that so far there have been no domestic terrorist attacks in the U.S. since 9/11. I heard some Repub proudly hawking that fact on the Sunday shows (I think it was Mitch McConnell), but it got me to thinking about how there was no domestic terrorist attack perpetrated by Islamic terrorists here in the U.S. from 1993-2000 either (Oklahoma City was of course a wingnut attack) and as far as we know (and certainly as far as Condi Rice, Dick Cheney, and George Bush are concerned), the Clinton administration was doing very little behind the scenes against Al Qaeda during that time (although I think their urgency increased greatly after the Millenium attack was foiled in 2000.) Do you ever find yourself wondering if the lack of domestic attacks since 9/11 has more to do w/ Al Qaeda's own timetable than anything the Bushies have done?

I know I do.

NYC, I still maintain the Bushies are efficient at two things - sneakiness and dirty campaigning! It just so happens that the Iraq war took the sails out of their campaigning this time around, but don't kid yourself, they're still at the time of their game when it comes to sneakiness. That's why the admin is now saying it will abide by the FISA court suddenly...they don't want Dems looking into the area and finding some juicy stuff that the Repubs in charge for the 109th Congress simply ignored or enabled.
rbe, you're right about the domestic attacks (or lack of them) in the 90s. I'm surprised Bush & Co hasn't found a way to take credit for that, too.

praguetwin, I agree with you. After the next domestic attack, Americans will be clamoring to have the govt. take away even more of our rights.
Do you ever find yourself wondering if the lack of domestic attacks since 9/11 has more to do w/ Al Qaeda's own timetable than anything the Bushies have done?

Absolutely. We live in a society of a short attention span. Al-Qaeda is in no hurry. One attack on the U.S. every 8 to 10 years is plenty for them. Then they just watch us squirm.

We are getting played like a well tuned fiddle on this one.

If you think about it, they might wait until Bush is out of office, just to increase the internal conflict. Then all the wingers will blame the incoming Democrat.

And like Abi says, we will be so ready to give up our civil rights at that point.
praguetwin, you wrote:

"We live in a society of a short attention span. Al-Qaeda is in no hurry. One attack on the U.S. every 8 to 10 years is plenty for them. Then they just watch us squirm."

I see. Even though almost 50 of the top 52 al-qaeda leaders are dead or in custody, they're still holding all the chips.

September 11 led to punishing attacks on al-aqaeda strongholds in Afghanistan and the removal of the entire Iraqi regime. Meanwhile, Iran is positioning itself as the next target, soon followed by Syria.

Exactly how much punishment do you think the muslims want to endure as they work their way to a Pyrrhic Loss?
That's funny, abi - Bush taking credit for something in the 90's. They surely blamed every bad thing that happened in the 2001-2005 period on the guys from the 90's.

PT, you are undoubtedly right.
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