Monday, January 29, 2007

New Allegations About Obama's Past

This time from Wonkette. And remember, "nothing says Fuck the Man like eating a pineapple pizza, playing lame novelty-wave bands and pointlessly vandalizing the carpet!"

Isn't that the truth - rock lobster!!!!!!

I am really starting to warm up to Obama now.
I'm also suspicious of people who eat pineapple pizzas. I mean, really, how could any sensible person enjoy such a thing? Such things can be excused only in Elvis.
Verily pineapple pizzas are an abomination against God.
PT, I don't much like Obama. I can't say why exactly - other than he seems to stand for nothing other than Obama. That doesn't make him unique, of course. Most politicians stand for nothing but themselves. Certainly that's true of HRC too (which is why I can;t support her either.) I think that, coupled with all the Obama hype, has turned me against him.

NYC, your Elvis comment is dead-on. (BTW, I just bought some cd remasters, including some by Elvis, Jerry Lee, Orbison, and Cash. Good stuff!)

Is that Biblical, kid? I think I remember that quotation from the King James version of Leviticus!
Hawaiian pizza with ham and pineapple? It's delicious!
I could swear that Richard Pryor said he set himself on fire by eating pizza with pineapple and ham on it and warned all of America not to repeat his mistake in his movie Live On The Sunset Strip!
reality, you wrote:

"I could swear that Richard Pryor said he set himself on fire by eating pizza with pineapple and ham on it and warned all of America not to repeat his mistake in his movie Live On The Sunset Strip!"

Yeah. That's right. He said flaming pineapple on pizza nearly killed him. But of course those words are easily confused with: Yeah I was free-basing cocaine and fried my ass.
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