Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Keys To The Kingdom

Yesterday on Hardball, David Iglesias, one of the U.S. attorneys fired in the administration's Prosecutor Purge, said this:

I think Monica Goodling holds the keys to the kingdom. I think if they get her to testify under oath, with a transcript, and have her describe the process between the information flow between the White House counsel, the White House and the Justice Department, I believe the picture becomes a lot clearer.

Well, guess what?

The House Judiciary Committee today overwhelmingly approved granting limited immunity from prosecution to a former top Justice Department aide in order to obtain her testimony in the investigation of the firings of eight U.S. attorneys.

By a 32-6 vote, the panel approved the immunity grant to Monica M. Goodling, former counsel to Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, who had promised to invoke her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination last month if Congress demanded that she answer questions about her role in the dismissals.

Good move.

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